Show ingredient ingredients

Show ingredient ingredients

It is better to have some knowledge about ingredient labeling of supplements. Regarding ingredient display of supplement, there are cases where display is done based on JAS Law and indication based on Health Promotion Law. In the case of display based on the JAS Law, it is necessary to write it all together in supplement case or packaging. First of all, it is supposed to describe the name of the supplement, the name of raw ingredients, the amount of contents, the expiration date, the preservation method, the name and address etc of the manufacturer etc. Please check whether these are listed Let's do it. And concerning display based on the Health Promotion Law, what we must write must have calorie per unit of the food, amount of protein, amount of lipid, amount of carbohydrate, amount of sodium etc. And it is decided to write the nutrients you want to display in order. Japanese supplements are classified as food genres. Therefore, manufacturers selling supplements are not supposed to have to display all nutritional ingredients properly. There are displays based on the JAS Law and the Health Promotion Law, but it is difficult to see the quality of supplement contents and think that it may be astray at the judgment. Let's make sure that manufacturers selling supplements voluntarily check nutritional ingredients displayed about supplements. Points to be noted with ingredient indications of supplements are that the manufacturing location is clearly stated clearly, and whether lot numbers are known, what is used for raw materials, names of nutrients, etc. I also need to check whether it is stated firmly or whether contact information about supplements is also stated firmly. Various types are now on sale for supplements, but even if you purchase supplements overseas, let's take it on firmly confirming the ingredient display. Unless you check on ingredient labeling, in case of overseas supplements, there are also cases in which ingredients that are not licensed in Japan and have problems in ingestion are contained, so be careful enough Let's choose supplements on. Supplement ingredient display is very important information, so please make sure to purchase it.